Tamam… Söz!
Döner tribünlü stadyum yapacağız.
Döner kebap gibi, izleyicilerin koltukları 90 dakikada, sahanın etrafında bir tam tur atacak.
We won't end as long as the flame keeps blazing.
2016-2025 © olympics.istanbul All Rights Reserved by Bahadir Gezer.
Rahmetli halteri kaldırmadan evvel saçını yukarı üflerdi. Hey gidi hey
He (RIP) used to blow his hair upwards before lifting the weight. The World witnessed
Hey, the MotherEarth!
Hey, the Universe!..
This is İstanbul... The place where the continents meet...
It seems to me that the Olympics are worth to be hosted by me...
So... Be my guest to have some tee or coffee or whiskey or ayran or whatever you like.
I'm the city in which the people are thinking "Should i swim from Europe to Asia, or from Asia to Europe? or should i just ride between these continents?"
I'm the city of options and i offer you to travel through the meaning of pleasure...
Why do i do that?.. Well you'll find out when you come here...
Come and enjoy
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